The First-Ever Finnish International High School Final Exams

Press release — November 18, 2021

In the High School of Qatar-Finland International School (Q.F.I. School) students and teachers alike are preparing for the first Finnish International Final Exams (F.I.F.E.).

The Exams will start with Geography, Health Education or Qatar and World History (according to students’ individual choices) on the 5th of December. Five other exams are also offered during December. Just as in Finland, the students have the opportunity to take the exams in several parts, and in May 2022 the full set of exams (18 in total) is offered.

Operated by EduCluster Finland Ltd., the Q.F.I. School is an international private school in Doha, Qatar. The F.I.F.E are prepared by the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER) and will be delivered on a digital platform built by Eduten. The first students who have taken the F.I.F.E. will graduate from Q.F.I. High School in June 2022.

“Having a Final Exam that assesses learning based on our adapted Finnish High School curriculum is very important for us. This is the only standardised test we have at our school.

Through this external and objective exam created by Finnish experts at the FIER, we offer our students good opportunities for advancing to higher education. Having the exam on a secure and handy digital platform makes it easy for us a school to administer the exams, so a big thank you to Eduten for their effort!”

The high school academic principal

— Ms. Tarja Männikkö

“It has been a pleasure working with the experts at EduCluster Finland, FIER and Q.F.I School to create this innovative digital assessment solution. I think that together we have an unique mix of skills and expertise for this endeavor, and we are looking forward to the next steps after successful exams for the students in Doha.”

Head of Pedagogy at Eduten

— Einari Kurvinen

“We have worked on creating the Final Exam for a Finnish-type international high school for almost 18 months now, in good collaboration with Eduten, ECF and the team of Finnish experts preparing the exams. With final preparations now underway, we are looking forward to start building experience on the exams and assessing the students’ learning. We wish all the best to the first F.I.F.E. candidates!”

Research Professor, Head of F.I.F.E. at FIER

— Juhani Rautopuro

About EduCluster Finland

EduCluster Finland Ltd., University of Jyväskylä Group, shares Finnish education know-how through dynamic partnerships across the globe. ECF operates or partners a number of international schools in the GCC, Asia and Latin America (see more at and helps teachers and school leaders worldwide to navigate into the future through diverse professional development programmes.

ECF’s flagship school, the Qatar-Finland International School, opened in 2014, has now 700 students from almost 60 nationalities. Of the teaching staff 90 people, roughly half are Finnish.

For more information, please contact Kati Loponen, CEO,, +358 40 825 4218.

About Eduten

Eduten is a spin-off from University of Turku that provides Finland’s most popular digital learning platform Eduten to educational institutions around the world. Eduten has proved its worth as a scientifically validated mathematics platform since 2011 by more than 860,000 users in Finland and 50+ other countries, including e.g. Qatar, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, United States, United Arab Emirates, Chile, India, Japan and Mexico. Take a look at this short video to find out more about Eduten.

For more information, please contact:

Henri Muurimaa

CEO of Eduten

Henri Muurimaa

+358 400 474 778

About Finnish Institute for Educational Research

The Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER) is a multidisciplinary centre for educational research, assessment, and development, based at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Its vast research experience, wide-ranging fields of study, and multidisciplinary approach - together with a significant body of researchers and publication volume - make the FIER a nationally unique and an internationally significant unit of educational research.

For more information, please contact Jussi Välimaa, Director,

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